The transportation department is warning electric car drivers of a potential change in rules for using the HOV lane.
PHOENIX — Drivers of electric vehicles may soon lose a privilege for using the HOV lanes on Arizona’s freeways.
A rule allowing alternative fuel vehicles to use HOV lanes with only a single occupant is scheduled to expire on Sept. 30, 2025 unless the federal government extends the policy.
The Arizona Department of Transportation said the exemption presently in place allows for drivers with the alternative fuel specialty plate to use HOV freeway lanes at any time and regardless of the number of passengers.
Though Congress ultimately decides on what to do about the exemption, ADOT said the agency wanted to warn drivers before the possible rule change takes effect.
An alternative fuel vehicle includes electric, solar, hydrogen or natural gas.
ADOT sent the notice out Thursday to warn drivers about the possibility of this program ending so people wouldn’t be surprised.
Darrelyn Elkins who lives in Peoria said she received an e-mail about it from ADOT. She’s owned an electric vehicle since 2012 and said the biggest draw for her was HOV access.
“They’re the whole reason we got them was to drive in these HOV lanes to save time for work,” Elkins said.
Her daily commute from Peoria to Mesa takes more than an hour during rush hour traffic. However, with her Tesla in the HOV lane, it cuts that drive time in half.
“I drive 44 miles one way, so 88 miles a day,” Elkins said. “I use it every day and it saves me approximately 30 minutes.”
Now with this policy possibly coming to an end, she is reconsidering going back to a normal vehicle depending on what happens.
“I’m definitely rooting for it to get renewed,” she said. “It definitely helps us.”
More information can be found here.
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